Workflow inputs =============== Wokflow inputs can be added by calling ``add_input()``: :: num1 = wf.add_input(num1='int') num2 = wf.add_input(num2='int') The ``add_input()`` method expects a ``name=type`` pair as input parameter. The pair connects an input name (``num1`` in the example) to a CWL type (``'int'``). An overview of CWL types can be found in the `specification `_. Optional inputs ############### Workflow inputs can be made optional by adding a questionmark to the type: :: num1 = wf.add_input(num1='int?') Default values ############## When adding an input parameter to a workflow, you can set a default value: :: num1 = wf.add_input(num1='int', default=5)