Remove named entities from a directory of text files ==================================================== In this example, we create a pipeline that replaces named entities in a collection of (Dutch) text documents. Named entities are objects in text referred to by proper names, such as persons, organizations, and locations. In the workflow, named entities will be replaced with their named entity type (i.e., PER (person), ORG (organization), LOC (location), or UNSP (unspecified)). The workflow can be used as part of a data anonimization procedure. The workflow consists of the following steps: * Extract named entities from text documents using an existing tool called `frog `_ * Convert frog output to `SAF, a generic representation for text data `_ * Aggregate data about named entities that occur in the text files * Replace named entities with their named entity type in the SAF documents * Convert SAF documents to text All steps required for this workflow are available through `nlppln `_. Workflow ######## .. image:: nlppln-anonymize-workflow.png :alt: add multiply example workflow :align: center Scriptcwl script ################ :: from scriptcwl import WorkflowGenerator with WorkflowGenerator() as wf: wf.load(steps_dir='/path/to/dir/with/cwl/steps/') doc = """Workflow that replaces named entities in text files. Input: txt_dir: directory containing text files Output: ner_stats: csv-file containing statistics about named entities in the text files txt: text files with named enities replaced """ wf.set_documentation(doc) txt_dir = wf.add_inputs(txt_dir='Directory') frogout = wf.frog_dir(in_files=txt_dir) saf = wf.frog_to_saf(in_files=frogout) ner_stats = wf.save_ner_data(in_files=saf) new_saf = wf.replace_ner(metadata=ner_stats, in_files=saf) txt = wf.saf_to_txt(in_files=new_saf) wf.add_outputs(ner_stats=ner_stats, txt=txt)'anonymize.cwl') CWL workflow ############ :: cwlVersion: v1.0 class: Workflow inputs: txt-dir: Directory mode: string? outputs: ner_stats: type: File outputSource: save-ner-data/ner_statistics out_files: type: type: array items: File outputSource: saf-to-txt/out_files steps: frog-ner: run: frog-dir.cwl in: dir_in: txt-dir out: [frogout] frog-to-saf: run: frog-to-saf.cwl in: in_files: frog-ner/frogout out: [saf] save-ner-data: run: save-ner-data.cwl in: in_files: frog-to-saf/saf out: [ner_statistics] replace-ner: run: replace-ner.cwl in: metadata: save-ner-data/ner_statistics in_files: frog-to-saf/saf mode: mode out: [out_files] saf-to-txt: run: saf-to-txt.cwl in: in_files: replace-ner/out_files out: [out_files]